We provide our own emergency service to our clients should something happen outside normal working hours. The service is staffed by veterinary surgeons from Abbey Green so you will always see a familiar face and be assured we have access to your pet’s medical history. Being a rural mixed practice covering our own out of hours care with vets ‘on-call’ we do not always have a vet or nurse on site. The duty vet is responsible for call-outs to farm emergencies and other domestic pet emergencies which may present at the practice. In general, we try to see all small animals at the practice, since examination is often difficult in the home environment, and any presentation requiring an out of hours examination is likely to require further work up and treatment in a clinic environment.
How the on-call vets prioritises the time they spend on call-outs, looking after in-patients and receiving calls for advice is a decision based on clinical need and urgency. There is someone present at the practice until midnight every night, and if a patient is unstable or requiring frequent medication, the attending vet may choose to remain at the practice overnight.
If you have an emergency after normal working hours please call our team on 01209 823 252
Abbey Green Vets LTD